
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

It’s all give and take
You give – They take.......then YOU pay!

An essential introduction to the “Sub-Lime” blogspot.

(this blog has been reposted here from the "Lime-Light on Symbolism" blog)

Humanity groveling to their Masters

Human beings are herded and directed by many and various forms of emotional and mental control – much of it subliminal, in that it falls just outside of our 5-sense version of reality. The reptilian brain, the most ancient part of the human brain, communicates through images not words, and it is through this that many, many subliminal messages enter our subconscious mind. Such images are constantly affecting people without them having any idea of what is happening to them. At its foundation, the Illuminati manipulation is a mind game played out on many levels. If you can condition human consciousness and its sense of collective reality, then you can control the behavior and perceptions of the people. By ‘not seeing’ or comprehending what is taking place, we can do nothing to stop it.

Eye of Ra

We may not see those behind the ‘hidden’ agenda, but as indicated by the ‘in your face’ symbolism within many television networks, media companies and TV show logos (their ‘agents’) they are telling us they ALWAYS have their eye on us!

Iraq T.V

They’re certainly keeping a keen ‘eye’ on Londoners too!

London Eye

Big Brother's eyes keep Londoners ‘secure’...

...while Ra watches Cairo

Those in control ALWAYS announce their intentions for humanity by means of elaborate ritual, and symbolism - in fact they are obsessed with both - therefore once you decipher the rules of their game you can predict what’s next in their ‘game plan’. At this stage the savvy can withhold or withdraw previously ‘poached’ permission for them to proceed with their plans. When enough of us are doing this, their planned events will be prevented from taking place, their energy siphoning antics effectively thwarted.

To get started on all this, you really need to understand where the various ‘cult’ symbols we see every day come from, their background and what they mean. In the near future I get a symbols gallery up on this blog, but in the meantime check the further research links at the end of this article.

A swell as familiarizing yourself with the symbols, you REALLY need to fully understand why those of the ‘hidden agenda’ are almost throwing their symbolism in our faces rather than hiding their ‘language’ from us. I will do my best to explain this now, in terms of how I presently understand the situation. You are of course quite at liberty to reject anything that doesn’t sit well with you, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

The Subversive use of symbolism and numerology
At first when people begin to ‘see’ this stuff’, it seems as though the ‘hidden hand’ are declaring their hand. Well actually, they are, and they’re doing it quite intentionally! This has EVERYTHING to do with how they are able to operate here in our reality. The controllers are particularly fascinated with numerology, in fact ‘working the numbers’ and using their power is a crucial part of the operation. Below are two examples of what I mean.

Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Canberra

TV screen capture of a Mazda “666”

The following is a brief description of how this ‘sick’ mind game all plays out.

The controllers are constantly telling us what they have in store for humanity, and they do this by symbolic advertising. However, most never consciously pick up on it because by design our overlords keep the vast majority so stressed, so overworked, and so over-stimulated working for their system (‘slaves to the system’), they never have time to see what’s going on, let alone have the mental or spiritual energy to work it all out. The overlords know this, but they also know that subliminally, the reptilian part of our brain does pick up on their symbolism, and at the subconscious level we do recognize and understand its meaning – symbol literacy its part of our reptilian genetic heritage. However, when the subconscious attempts to report this information to the cluttered and ‘belief programmed’ conscious mind, the message gets lost amongst the mental ‘jumble’ already going on there. Symbolic messages are therefore seldom heard or understood.

So although we are not making these connections consciously, subconsciously we have been informed. Really, we can NEVER say otherwise! Our lack of comprehension on a conscious level is well known, and relied upon by the controllers who dutifully (to avoid karma) inform us of their goings on. Likewise our lack of indignation and objection when offered this ‘advertised’ information is acknowledged by them as our acceptance of their terms. So doing nothing to stop them ensures our continued compliance with their ‘system rules’. On a karmic level, the buck stops with us. That our conscious mind is too cluttered to ‘read’ the symbolic language announcements then reject their terms, is considered our problem, not there’s. They have communicated to us their intention one reptilian brain to another. Our ignorance (no matter how we became that way) is considered our problem, not theirs. They HAVE informed us – their conscience is clear.

The language of symbolism

This is how they have been controlling humans for thousands of years, and until humanity wakes up and reject their terms and conditions, business will continue here as usual. But how diabolically cunning is this control system? We are negatively ‘riled up’ and deceived into committing myriad negative acts on each other (religious wars, political wars, terrorism, rape, pedophilia etc) ALL OF WHICH BENEFITS OUR CONTROLLERS DIRECTLY and it is also WE who must pay the karmic debts for our actions on their behalf. All the while THEY get away scot-free!

It seems preventing karma is the crucial factor involved in their survival here. It requires they MUST inform us (seek our approval) for the things they do that inevitably involves humanity in a negative and detrimental way.

When looking into this subject, what becomes quite obvious is that the controllers require negative energy for their survival – they feed off OUR negative energy in much the same way we provide a food source for bees in order to harvest their honey for eating. The controllers provide us with the raw materials for creating negative energy (wars, torture, deprivation, famine, disease, oppression, ritual abuse etc), the suffering and endurance of which produces food for them in the form of negative emotion - or human energy frequencies. Outrage, frustration, bitterness, sadness, anger, hatred, pain, chaos etc, are all human emotions that provide an abundance of negative energy frequencies as a food-source for entities who wish to here in our reality as parasites. As karma is an unavoidable spiritual consequence of negative actions towards other life-forms in this frequency range (our 3D, 5-sense reality), in order to avoid becoming victims of their own negative karma, the controllers quite literally require our spiritual consent AT ALL TIMES to continue tormenting us!

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law"
"The slaves shall serve"
Sentiments of the Masonic OTO

Unlike most of humanity, who have been lead astray ‘spiritually’ speaking, and therefore haven’t a clue about karma (and are therefore quite literally their own worst enemy in this regard), the controllers know how to avoid reaping karma for the negative spiritual abuse they inflict on humanity.

At times I am still in awe of the way these entities have managed to get round this tricky ‘karma’ problem, while still maintaining their necessary ‘feeding habits’. It can only be that, which can best be described as ‘predatory evil’ that could possibly come up with such an ingenious and ‘inhumane’ way of avoiding karma…..and get away with it for so long! At all times the mammalian parts of our brain are being used against us as a result of their cunning use of symbols, ceremony and ritual, used so effectively to ‘screw us over’! The writing is quite literally on the walls, and it’s saying “hey dummies, we are telling you we need your support to keep screwing you over or WE will be screwed ourselves…….hey…are you bozos getting this?......nah of course you’re not!’

Watch Michael Tsarion’s The Origins of Evil webstream

The fact that so may of us are not ‘getting it’ draws parallels with ghastly incidents that involve savvy pedophiles, who skillfully manipulate unworldly children into mistakenly accepting inappropriate and predatory sexual advances for acts of kindness and caring.

Leaving their fingerprints
Our controllers love to have a gloat; in fact they’re so smug they can’t seem to help themselves, especially when they’ve pulled off something really BIG they are proud of. This can be likened to an artist signing a portrait, and once such example worthy of mention was on Wednesday September 11th 2002, the first anniversary of the 2001 9/11 World Trade Center attacks, when The New York lottery drew the numbers 9, 1, 1 as the winning pick-3 combination in their digit lottery. ” The numbers were picked in the standard random fashion using all the normal protocols," said lottery spokeswoman Carolyn Hapeman. "It's just the way the numbers came up."

Yeah right!

The day before (Tuesday September 10th 2002), the Standard & Poor's (S & P) 500 futures stock exchange contract closed at 911.00 - a day before the one-year anniversary of the terrorist attacks. But of course this was merely a coincidence also!


The subversive use of ritual and mass celebration
In order to carry out some of their BIGGER plans, the controllers need to involve us all as much as they can. Think 9-11 for the purpose of the illegal war in Iraq and the advancing of the planned NWO ‘One World Government’ agenda. Public celebrations and festive occasions are used to raise spiritual energy from which they ‘draw off’ the frequencies they need for carrying out their negative plans. Through our ignorance, we are unwittingly giving away control over our own spiritual power – we obligingly give it to them, and they “do what they wilt” with us.

Carols by Candlelight – an energy raising mass

Many festive occasions such as Christmas, Halloween, New Year, even rock concerts and beach carnivals, we blindly accept as harmless good-fun-times as this is how these occasions have been presented to us, yet all such ‘mass’ festive celebrations have hidden significance and meaning that MOST of us do not comprehend. Similarly to my pedophile analogy above, these occasions can be viewed as deceitful energy raping rituals for the purpose of siphoning ‘devotional’ frequencies for affirming their control over us.

Please read the following articles written by Matthew Delooze who describes such events so brilliantly.

Humanity MUST withdraw consent!

By doing nothing, we are not stopping them, and by default we are giving them permission to ‘do what thou wilt’ with us. This is how they control US and ALL the staged/planned events on this planet. Along with other forms of deception (an array too vast to mention in just one blog entry, but stay tuned!), they have been controlling humanity since the earliest times.

But a person can teach themselves (or be taught) see the ‘signs’ and understand their subliminal meaning. Once a person starts to understand the symbolism all around us, such a person cannot understand why they hadn’t seen it all along! It’s like having taken a ‘red pill’ that alters one’s perception – what was once hidden reveals itself. From that point onwards the ‘seer’ cannot fail to see, while others remain oblivious.

Yes you!

Please consider the material in this and my other blogs (links below) your symbolic ‘red pill’ then straight after you’ve swallowed it, if you haven’t yet seen the movie “They Live” please do so as soon as possible. This movie pretty much says it all. Our controllers own the movie studios, so in all likelihood this was a cult announcement undertaken in their normal ‘symbolic’ way, showing us what they have been doing all along. With your new powers of perception from your symbolic red pill, you will see how this movie can be understood as the controllers ‘advertising’ for our further spiritual permission to keep doing what they’ve been doing. Although this movie pretty much sums everything up, undoubtedly MOST will have misunderstood its true meaning as humans have been so thoroughly ‘trained’ to do…………..

Scene from John Carpenter’s They Live

………but that’s how it works…..they show us…… we ignore…… we give…… they take.
Let’s break this never-ending cycle of abuse!

Lime – 2006
Suggested further research
6-part video presentation by Michael Tsarion from the 2003 Conspiracy Con.
The Freemen Perspective video footage from his shows
My blogs


At 9:27 AM, Blogger a said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 9:29 AM, Blogger a said...

They are watching.

"Once a person starts to understand the symbolism all around us, such a person cannot understand why they hadn’t seen it all along!"

An effort was put into hiding IT.


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